Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What Will You Do

© 2017 by P Michael Biggs

What will you do
when it is time to
do the next thing?

Someone asked Mother Theresa,
“What will you do
when you are no longer
Mother General?”

She thought a second, 
smiled and said,
“I am good at
cleaning toilets, you know.”

I wonder what you
and I would say to that probe?
The perfect answer perhaps …
“I will do what needs doing
in that moment and time.
I will be a willing soul
offering what I have
with what I am capable.”

Lots to be done,
many hands are needed
on many fronts,

Some are noble tasks,
some are mundane 
and necessary.

What can we do 
in those moments?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Start

© 2017 by P Michael Biggs

I took a deep breath
and thought to myself,
“I can do this.
I want to do this.”

I looked at my tools,
I examined my plans,
I thought and pondered,
I began with my hands.

“I can’t finish this in one day”
I thought to myself.
And yet, just for today,
I’ll do what I can,
That’s all I can say.

And so, I started.
Progress was slow,
even then, I worked
at what I know.

And sooner than soon,
my work took shape.
It had form and foundation.
I thought of a finish date.

You see, don’t you,
that it is the small whacks,
the repeated daily attempts
toward our dreams
that yield the best results?

The wise man once said,
You don’t have to be great to start.
You do have to start to be great.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Under the Influence

© 2017 by P Michael Biggs

I’m under the influence
and so are you.

My musical choice this morning
is influencing me.
My bedtime reading last night
influenced me.

The sweet treats I eat
have an influence on me.
As does the morning news,
the birds chirping outside my window,
and my friendship choices.

You and I … we are
under the influence.
And what are we doing
about that?

Influences are good and bad,
right and wrong.
Purposeful and not so much.

Influences happen even when unaware,
mostly when unaware.
Music sways me,
Smells and tastes sway me.
Kind words or the lack thereof
sway me.
We never escape the power of influence.

So, I suppose, we had better
place a governor on the most important
influences and sources of enlightenment.
Perhaps it is time for on-purpose influences.

Otherwise, we might be influenced.