Friday, February 26, 2016

Donald Ronald Rumple Suite

© 2016 by P Michael Biggs

Donald Ronald Rumple Suit
He was a brute of a brute
He wore a suit that wasn’t cute
It was a suit made of fruit

Donald Ronald Rumple Suit
He wasn’t cute in his rumpled suit
In school Donald Ronald was not astute
In his suit made of fruit

Donald Ronald Rumple Suit
On a computer he could not compute
He didn’t give a hoot
About how to compute
So he could not execute

When his computer would not compute
He feared the plug would electrocute
He didn’t reboot, he stopped his pursuit
He was not very astute

Donald Ronald Rumple Suit
Had a case of acute brain uproot
His suit made off fruit
Began to pollute

The smell was acute
Some tried to uproot
This suit made of fruit

Donald Ronald Rumple Suit
Was stripped of his suit made of fruit
And there he stood absolute
He was naked

No more Donald Ronald Rumple Suit

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Man of Talent

© 2016 by P Michael Biggs

If you’ve got talent, that’s good
Let the boyhood grow into manhood
Have you considered how should
You use all that good
You should, my friend, you should

So you’ve got talent, they say
Remember you’re a man of clay
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
In all your dealings be just

You’ve got talent. I’m glad
Let’s hope it’s not just a fad
Use it as a launching pad
And go find other skills to add

Remember wherever you go
Whether in rain or snow
Be a man of good deeds
Be a man who leads
Be a model of one who succeeds

Sunday, February 14, 2016

What Is God Up To

© 2015 by P Michael Biggs

What is God up to?
Does he know I’m blue?
I have the flu
And I can’t chew
What is God up to?

I wish I knew what God is up to
I haven’t a clue
Am I on His crew?
Are there many or few?
What is God up to?

All day long what does God do?
Is he buying new shoes?
Is he at school?
Does he strut and stew
About what we do?

What does God do
When he goes to the zoo
Does he say pee-u
At what the monkeys do

What does God do?
Does he do drive-through
Does he like cashews
Does he make fondu

When God sees you
He likes His view
He likes me too
And he tells us too
When you fall, He’s got you

Saturday, February 13, 2016

My Butterfly

© Milton Moncivaiz

This poem was written by my brother-n-law Milton Moncivaiz to his wife Margaret.  Milton passed away on February 4, 2016

Once in a while
When breezes pass by
Lady bugs and butterflies
Fly thru the sky

Their charm and their beauty
So wonderfully shone
They sway and they flutter
As the blue sky they roam

Many years ago
A breeze came my way
Sending a butterfly
So beautifully arrayed

Her eyes bright as diamonds
Her wings a work of art
In a single moment
She captured my heart

You are that butterfly
Glowing down in my soul
That passionate fire
That burns like a coal

I’ve something to tell you
You’re one of a few
But there is no other
As wonderful as you

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Discipline for a Day

© 2016 by P Michael Biggs

I once had discipline for a day
I was in complete control and never did stray
For a day

I kept undiscipline at bay
For a day
I think it was in May
That I never did stray

It seemed like child’s play
To be disciplined for a day
And then the gray
Broke into my day
And my discipline the gray did slay
All I can say
It’s gone