Monday, July 8, 2019

What Can You See?

What Can You See?
© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

What can you see,
gazing out your window today?
Do you see birds soaring,
lushness all around,
life bubbling?

Do you see mankind
as they shuffle,
or jog, or hobble,
or stroll along?

What do you see
That you can’t really see?

Can you see the invisible?
Can you see your dreams,
and where they could take you?
Can you see the impossible,
And perhaps, make it possible?

Can you see your future business,
your future son or daughter,
your future mate?

Can you see your future,
full of hope?

I like eyesight,
for I can see all that is
around me.

I like insight,
for it shows me
what might someday be.

Originals by P Michael Biggs