Saturday, July 25, 2020

We Have a Kinship

We Have a Kinship

We Have a Kinship

We have a kinship,
both having survived. 
You, perhaps have survived
WWII, or the Korean scuffle. 

I survived childhood polio,
and other ailments 
and breaks, and scratches
and stuff. 

We survived school, math, 
sentence diagraming,
sometimes boring history classes,
and shop class. 

We have a kinship, 
for we have survived. 

I've survived heart surgery, 
a broken arm, dropped drum sticks,
and jobs that were good,
or great, or disappointing. 

And you have survived your
messes and mix-ups, 
successes and falls. 

We are survivors, if of nothing
but a sometimes mundane
and satisfying life. 

And our friendship, 
our kinship is intact. 
You are blocks away, 
or perhaps thousands of miles further,
and we are kin.  

We share life's experiences and 
we survive.

Welcome to the club.

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Where Do You Put Tired?

Where Do You Put Tired?
© 2020 by P Michael Biggs

Everybody gets tired.
Marathon runners get tired.
Housewives do.
Farmers, ranchers,
and factory workers get tired.

Even writers and other creators.
After a while the brain
just needs a break from
creating and thinking and
going places no one
has gone before.

My friend Seth says that
people who take their turn
get tired.
I get that.

It’s scary taking your turn.
It’s exposing your underbelly,
and getting naked in the real sense.
That is exhausting, and tiring.

I put my tired to bed
for a good 9-10 hours
every night.
That restores me.

I dream, and snore,
and dream some more.
I rest and rejuvenate,
and come morning
my body says, “Thank You”
and “Go have a great day.”

We all get tired.
Just find a place to park it
every once in a while
and then go back
to your exciting life.

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Fresh View of Wholeness

A Fresh View of Wholeness
© 2020 by P Michael Biggs

In the beginning …
Parker Palmer said it.
“Wholeness does not mean perfection;
it means embracing brokenness
as an integral part of life.”

I guess I am whole, in light of this.
I am imperfect. My body is imperfect.
I have flaws, weaknesses, disabilities.

I can’t move as swiftly as before.
I have to take more frequent rests.

And so, I am embracing my lacks.
I am accepting my limitations.
I am imperfect, yet whole.

Now that’s a fresh thought.

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Saturday, June 20, 2020

I Know Where I'm Going

I Know Where I’m Going
© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

I know where I’m going.
You are welcome to tag along
if you like.

Know this …
I wanna be what I wanna be,
not what you want
me to be.

If you can handle that,
then let’s go on some adventures.

If not, then we shall agree
to disagree in an agreeable fashion.

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Monday, June 8, 2020

A Poem about Naked

A Poem about Naked
© 2020 by P Michael Biggs

I just wrote this bit of prose.
I just got naked

I used to sing a lot of solos.
Boy did I expose my nakedness.

Every time I write a blog,
I’m as naked as a jay-bird.

A few times in life,
I’ve had to apologize
to someone for something.
I got real naked in those moments.

Sometimes at work I’ll present an idea.
People see my nakedness.

My friend made a coconut cream pie.
She really showed her nakedness.

You see, my naked friend.
When we do anything boldly,
and we present it to the world,
we stand naked and proudly say

I am glad to show you the full
and unadulterated me.

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Thursday, June 4, 2020

And God Moved

And God Moved
© 2020 by P Michael Biggs

I was born 71 years ago,
and God has moved
in my life ever since.

I broke my arm at nine,
and God moved.

I got my first job
at Redford’s Five & Dime
and God moved.

I lived my dream of
soloing with my
high school band,
and God moved.

The longed-for day came
when I went off to college,
and God moved.

I graduated on time,
and God moved.

My first job came along
in Orlando,
and God moved.

Then came Albuquerque,
Seattle, South Carolina,
Indiana, Texas,
and back to Seattle,
and God moved.

I’ve had incredible highs
in my careers,
and painful lows.
and through it all
God moved.

I’ve come through
Kennedy’s assassination,
the MLK marches,
the pros and cons
of Vietnam,

I endured Watergate,
Clinton’s lies,
the devastation of 911
and God moved.

Even today, with rioting,
burning of cities,
destruction of property,
anger and frustration,
I see God still moves.

Somehow, I believe
He is still around,
still watching,
still making cause and effect
in subtle ways.

Our woes and joys
are not at an end.
We are, perhaps,
not even at the
beginning of the end.

Maybe we are
at the end of
of the beginning.

This I know.
God is moving.

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Sunday, May 24, 2020

We Hunger for Love

We Hunger for Love
© 2020 by P Michael Biggs

Mother Teresa said it long ago.
“There is more hunger
for love and appreciation
in this world
than for bread.”

And it is so.

We long to be loved,
to be validated,
to be esteemed.

We seek recognition
simply because we live.

What is my part
in this grand drama?

To seek ways in which I
give out love, I honor,
I esteem my fellow man.
I see you as a valid individual,
not one that I can use
for my own gain.

You are worthy
of love and respect
simply because you ARE!

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Saturday, April 25, 2020


© 2020 by P Michael Biggs

My heart surgeon didn’t accidentally
do heart bypass on me.
He saw the need and that
he could cause a cure.

My second violinist friend
doesn’t just practice when
he’s in the mood.
He has intention of playing
a perfect concert,
and so, he practices.

The pilot on my last flight
didn’t fly safely just because
his supervisor was watching.
He wanted to get us to our
destination safely, and he did.

We do things on purpose,
with intention,
cause we care, we value others,
and we expect the same
from others.

I intend to treat you
with kindness and respect.
You deserve this most of all.
What do you intend?

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Saturday, April 11, 2020


© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

I grew up in a
hand-me-down time and place
Clothes passed from Donny
to Me to Randall.

I had to grow into
many shirts and coats,
pants and shoes.

And all was right
in my world.

I’ve been given
hand-me-down ideas.
Yes sir, no sir, please and thank you.
Religion too.

I remember this story.
Bob and Jane are preparing
for Easter dinner.
They are having ham
And all the fixings.

Jane reminds Bob to
cut the ends off the ham.
Because that’s what
my Mom always did.

Why?  Let’s call Mom.

She said, “That’s what
My Mom always did.”

Why?  Let’s call Grandma.

Grandma, why do you
cut the ends off the ham
before baking it?

She was suspicious,
And answered cautiously.

Because my baking dish
was too short.
That’s why.

So, what hand-me-down ideas
are you passing on
just because your
baking dish is too short?

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Friday, April 3, 2020

When Things Go Wrong

When Things Go Wrong
© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

(This poem is marked UNKNOWN. It is not
mine, yet I love the thoughts found here.)

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
~ Unknown

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning
© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

It’s Saturday morning.
We had my French toast
with bananas in brown sugar,
rum, and other flavors.
Yum! Yum!

We slept in. 
I wrote.
She listened to a book.
We did nothing
and enjoyed every minute
of it.

I love Saturday mornings.
After a busy week
it is our oasis.

Later today,
we go out … out and about.
Where, we don’t much care.
How long, we don’t have a clock set.

All we know is this …
we get to be together,
together on this lovely Saturday,
doing nothing to the best
of our abilities.

Originals by P Michael Biggs