Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I Love Morning

© 2017 by P Michael Biggs
 (Photo by Sid Riley)

I love morning.
The quiet is deafening.
How odd is that?
No one stirs,
No noise to distract.
Only the occasional auto
passing by my window

Sleep abandoned me today,
so I rushed to my quiet place.
This space, this time, this opportunity
is rare and beautiful.
It is the best part of my day.

And now, what will I make of it?
What ideas, what hints of good hope
lie in the shadows of this morning?

Can I write some life-altering thought
that will make a difference?
Can I help some one person
begin a new journey today?

That is my one objective.
That is my calling …
To offer hope,
encouragement ..
inspiration ..
one word at a time.

May you find your
quiet space and place.
There is gold lurking in these shadows.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What Is Possible

© 2017 by P Michael Biggs

The famous quote says …
Nothing is impossible,
The word itself says
“I’m possible”

What is possible?
Can I be a ballet dancer at 67?
Can I win a marathon at 42?
Can I write a best-seller
that moves the world?
What is possible?

I love thinking about the possible,
The what once was,
The what could be’s,
The what if’s,
The what might be’s.
Are they still possible too?

Are my dreams still possible?
I’m old now, my body aches,
My feet hurt, so I can’t run
as I once did.
Can I still win races?

I once lifted 122 pounds,
Now 22 pounds is a stretch.
Once I won in baseball,
Now the ball drops from my glove
and my swing is lopsided.
Where did my possibilities go?

What once was possible
is now a memory.
What once came easy
now seems so hard.
Are my possibilities gone?

Ah, one remains, however.
The possibility of love
that is constant,
A hand to hold in good and bad,
A listening ear, a gentle word,
A shared sunset

What is possible after all …
Relationships that still relate
Friends that are still friends,
Family that draws near,
And my faith that says
All things are possible
with love!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


© 2017 by P Michael Biggs

 It has been said …
“My friends are my estate.”
Then I am rich.

It’s a Wonderful Life reminds us …
“No man is a failure who has friends.”
Then I am a success.

If I have friends
Then I experience
one of life’s highest delights.

Are we still friends
Though we haven’t spoken
In a very long time?

I consider us so. 
Once friends … we remain.
Our memory of friendship
Is what binds us together.

Though I no longer call …
I still hold your place
In my heart
No one can ever replace you,
My friend.

A difficult thing …
To be a good friend
A loyal friend
A steady friend
A friend in season and out

Time and distance separate us
Busyness interrupts us,
Urgency diverts us,
But the tendrils of friendship
Still connect us
In magical mystical ways.

Let’s always be friends,
No matter the minutes
Or lack thereof
When we pause to connect.