Thursday, September 26, 2019

New Skills Come with Mistakes

New Skills Come with Mistakes
© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

Are you making mistakes?
Good.  Then you are learning.
You’re probably doing things
you’ve never done before.

That’s all very good.
Very good indeed.

Make big mistakes.
Make glorious mistakes.
Make blunders, goofs,
foul-ups, miss-steps,
and mess-ups. 

Pretty soon, along the way,
you’ll start to emerge.
You’ll bloom and blossom.
You’ll grow into whatever,
whomever it is
you seek to become.

Even if you’re scared
of doing, of becoming,
of growing,
mistakes are OKAY.

They are always in season.

Good for you!

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Did You Get What You Wanted?

Did You Get What You Wanted?
© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

Wants abound.  I want lots of things.
     And so do you, I suppose.
Toys, gadgets, devices,
clothes, shoes, hairstyles,
                    automobiles, homes,
vacations, new sights and sounds.

I’ve had this in my files
for a long time.
“Did you get what you wanted?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.”

Raymond Carver wrote that
in one of his last poems
Late Fragment.
He wanted esteem,
                     to be beloved.

Oprah Winfrey said, on her last show,
“People want to be validated.”
They want recognition,
esteem, to be seen and heard.
The bottom line is, of course,

We all want to be loved,
cherished simply because we exist.
We want someone to know our name,
nod and say “Hi. How are you?”
We want a simple acknowledgement
                                              that we exist. 

We’re not asking for the lottery.
We’re not asking to be crowned Queen.
We’re simply saying, See me.  Know me
                                    Love me.

Peace, at last,
When we know
We are loved!

Originals by P Michael Biggs

Monday, September 9, 2019

13 Years of Love

© 2019 by P Michael Biggs

13 Years of Love

We’ve made it to lucky 13.
How about that?
13 years of marriage,
and we are still going strong.

We’ve had our set-backs.
My heart bypass, your slip and fall.
And through it all,
we still have each other.

What makes us unique, I think,
is that we talk, and we laugh.
The conversations flow so endlessly,
so seamlessly, so freely.

And we love so effortlessly.
I wrote you a poem
a few years ago …
You are so easy to love,
and you still are.

I think I’m pretty luck
to have found you
13 years ago.
And you say the same to me.

13 years is no small feat.
It doesn’t just happen.
We have had to work at it,
shed a few tears,
make adjustments,
give and take.

We have learned to
love and let love in.

We find ways to mark our love.
A special place, special dates,
photos, a piece of jewelry,
a saved memento.
But the best marks
are on my heart, and your heart,
and in my mind, and your mind.

You’ve affected me,
these 13 years.
I’m better for having
loved you,
and being loved by you.

Thank you, my great love!
Thank you for seeing
whatever you see in me,
And loving me
like I’ve never
known love before.

Originals by P Michael Biggs