Friday, March 30, 2018

Fishermen Know

Fishermen Know
© 2018 by P Michael Biggs

Fishermen know things,
like ‘the sea is dangerous.’
They fear storms,
hate wind and waves mostly

When the boat is rocking
and rolling, waves sweeping
over the deck,
They still tread on.

They have a job to do,
a destiny to fulfill,
a mountain of water
to traverse.

It would be easy to
stay home on days like this.
Home is safe, the harbor is cozy.
They could sit back and
take ‘er easy till this
storm blows over.

They could, you know,
‘cause it’s dangerous out there.
But they never found these dangers
sufficient enough reason
for remaining ashore.

Boats weren’t built for
staying in the shallows
of the harbor.

The big catches of fish
never swim close enough
to the shore for our convenience.

Oh yes, dangers abound.
They are everywhere.
Even facing a suited-up banker,
a mechanic, a window washer.
Things could happen.
Things can always happen.

Ah, but we go and do what our
jobs demand,
because that is the
call of the wild, the unknown.
Every day is different,
new, fresh and inviting.

We could stay home. 
It’s safe enough I suppose.
But we’re not meant to stay safe.
We’re meant to explore.
Go and uncover.
Build and create new paths.

We’re built for discovery,
because the unknown calls.

(This verse is based on a Vincent van Gough quote)

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I Am Noticed

I Am Noticed

In the ancient scrolls
we note that God notices
when a sparrow falls.

And then the question …
Are we (you and I)
not of more value
than a Sparrow?

Hmm …
I am noticed.
You are noticed
We matter in the
grand scheme of things.

That is comforting
and unsettling.
Good news and bad.

There are times when
I don’t want to be seen.
Times when I don’t like
the way I’ve acted,
spoken, reacted.

Times when I question
my own validity,
my own sense of belonging,
my own credibility.

And yet I (we) are noticed.
What is HE thinking?
What does HE really see?
Where do I rank in the
grand scheme of good and bad,
right and wrong,
worthy and unworthy?

And what can I do
about any of that?

A Sparrow …
Tiny, in abundance,
yet noticed.

And you and me – noticed.
