Thursday, March 22, 2018

Some Things Just Don't Make Sense

Some Things Just Don’t Make Sense
© 2018 by P Michael Biggs

Some things just don’t make sense.
Have you ever felt that way?
Join me for some
musings on this large subject.

The seed in an avocado –
that makes no sense. 
It’s large, and it cuts down
on the deliciousness inside.

Why aren’t Almond Joy candy bars
on the free food list?
Good stuff inside –
coconut, almonds,
a bit of sugar,
and a yummy chocolate coating.
That makes no sense.

I don’t understand algorithms.
I’m not a math whiz, and this is beyond me.
Why does Facebook
change its algorithms often?
Who or from what are they
keeping my posts?

When we live in a ‘free society’,
why do others, even friends,
condemn me for my choices
at the voting booth?
I let them vote for their candidate.
I want the same freedom
without comment and condemnation,
and especially without threat 
of being de-friended.

That just makes no sense.

Why do people text and drive?
I was an accident victim of this once.
Thankfully I survived.
So many others don’t.

Why are there ‘holy wars’?
Isn’t God big enough for all of us?
Is He so territorial, or is it ‘they’?
I don’t understand.

Why is contentment so hard to grasp?
Is it the old “grass is greener” idea,
or is it just green-eyed greed?

Why did God make 
cauliflower and broccoli?
And why are they good for you?
I was made to eat those 
as a kid sometimes.
I much prefer pecan pie.
Doesn’t make sense.

Why am I smarter now, at the end of life?
I could have used some of this wisdom
when I was twenty-five,
or fifty-six.
That doesn’t make sense.

Why do I love reading Tom Sawyer
and hate reading Plato?
I suppose they both can
teach a person a lot.

Why is there not 
an egg in eggplant?

That just doesn’t make sense.

Why do noses run
and feet smell?

Well, time is up.
What have I gained from this?
Perhaps, a continuation someday of
things that just don’t make sense.

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